Establish a Local Learning Site
Taking Theological Education to the Community
Are you interested in establishing a Mukhanyo Local Learning Site in your church, community or ministry? Then prayerfully read the following frequently asked questions and documents to learn more about how the programme works, what is expected, and the minimum criteria.
After reading everything, if you’re able and willing to establish a Local Learning Site in your area, then please furnish us with your details in the form that follows.
If you are ready to proceed, please complete the enquiry form below or contact the Local Learning Programme Manager at You will then be sent the necessary forms to complete, namely the Local Learning Site Agreement (LL-O1) which is to be completed by the main person responsible for managing the site, and the Tutor Application Form (LL-02) which is to be completed by each man who will tutor at the site.
You will also have to complete the Tutor Eligibility Quiz that tests basic Bible knowledge, church history, and theology.
First, let me tell you what the Local Learning Programme is not:
– It is not an online e-learning or correspondence programme
– It is not a self-study programme
– It is not a 6-month course
– It is not a glorified Bible study
Rather, it is a programme that requires group learning by students in a Local Learning Site. There are three important parts to how the Mukhanyo distance programme has been set up.
Part 1 – STUDY GUIDE & DVD COURSES: We offer video of actual classroom lectures given at the Mukhanyo campus, together with a study guide and/or textbook. This provides the delivery of biblical content at the same level of learning as at the Mukhanyo campuses and ensures that the content remains unchanged.
Part 2 – GROUP LEARNING: Studying alone is hard and results in a high ‘drop out’ rate. Learning is much easier, productive and rewarding when studying in a group. Groups provide an environment for discussion, debate and encouragement among fellow students. Group learning also encourages churches to come together, enhancing unity and co-operation at various levels.
Part 3 – LOCAL TUTOR: The tutor will be a suitable, qualified and experienced person who watches the DVD’s together with the students. This person will coordinate the learning with Mukhanyo’s administration and provide support, guidance, and encouragement to the students. A tutor is also necessary to administer tests and exams. This model of distribution is very effective for learning, but also lowers the overall cost of biblical education by bringing Bible instruction to church leaders in their own ministry contexts.
The educational philosophy of Mukhanyo Theological College is an extension of our Mission Statement and Statement
of Faith. We believe that the foundation of Christian education is the Bible. “All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Our lecturers are the embodiment of our college’s beliefs and values. They are spiritually mature, well-qualified people who focus on academic excellence. They seek to enhance the development of each student spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically as it says in Luke 2:52. Our lecturers live their lives as full-time role models to students. “So that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:10).
Our curriculum is academically excellent and honours our Christian heritage. It helps prepare students for higher learning and to affect the world for Christ. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Mat. 28:19,20).
Learning Support Sessions are set times when the students of a Local Learning Site meet to go over the material for a particular lecture as per the lecture videos and study guide. How this is done depends on the module, context, and the tutor’s teaching style or gift. Sites may decide to watch the DVD as a class, or for students to watch them at home with follow-up discussions during the support sessions. Depending on the content, tutors can also facilitate other learning methods (e.g. small group discussions, class debates, etc.).
Other activities include any prescribed practical class exercises (e.g. preaching a sermon), and writing tests and exams. Tutors must also facilitate spiritual formation activities, including discipleship, devotions, Bible reading, and prayer.
Using the video lectures gives students a taste of what it’s like to experience lectures at one of our campuses. It also makes sure there is the same level of learning as on campus, and that the content is not changed in any way before it is taught.
To tutor the Focus Certificates or Higher Certificates, he must, …
– Have a Bachelor’s degree in any field of study, a 2-year Diploma in Theology, or two Higher Certificate Theology qualifications from an accredited institution.
– He must have had at least six months of experience in regular teaching at a school, college or church.
To tutor the Bachelor of Theology, he must, …
– Have a minimum of a Masters’ degree in any field of study or a three-year Bachelor of Theology qualification from an accredited institution.
– Have had at least six months of experience in regular teaching at a school, college or church, and two years’ experience as a Higher Certificate tutor at an existing Mukhanyo Local Learning Site. This experience cannot be more than ten years before applying to be a BTh tutor.
To qualify to be tutor, he must …
– Be a member of an evangelical church for at least three years.
– Hold a position (pastor, elder, deacon, etc.) in a local evangelical church congregation or Christian organisation.
– Have a good testimonial letter from an evangelical church leader of a good reputation.
– Understand and wholeheartedly agree with Mukhanyo’s statement of faith. He will be required to sign the statement of faith.
– Agree with and sign the Code of Conduct.
Important Note: Mukhanyo trains men for church leadership, and men and women for Christian ministry. This position is based on the biblical teaching of male headship. This means that the training of students for the ministry is to be done by male lecturers and tutors.
Relating to communication, a tutor must …
– Have access to the internet and be willing and able to send or receive e-mails from Mukhanyo regularly.
– Have basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, and be able to open PDF documents.
– Be able and willing to print a few documents (within reason) from Mukhanyo for himself and/or his student group.
– Be accessible by cell phone, and daily read and respond to any SMS or WhatsApp messages.
Regarding training and commitment, he must …
– Attend the first upcoming Local Learning Forum and tutor training workshop following registration, and commit to attending as many other tutor events hosted by Mukhanyo as possible.
– Agree to fulfil the role of tutor according to the policies and procedures of MTC, as well as the code of conduct provided.
– Apply to Mukhanyo and be appointed by Mukhanyo as a Local Learning Tutor. The appointment will be for five years at a time (renewable).
Signing the Tutor Application Form (LL-02) is an affirmation of you agreeing to and abiding by all the above criteria and MTC’s statement of faith.
Support sessions are facilitated by the tutor. The following serves as an example of his responsibilities:
– Prepare for the support sessions beforehand
– Advise students to prepare for the support session
– Log support session attendance
– Watch the DVD with students and work through the lesson in the study guide. Supplement lessons with your own case studies, illustrations, stories or quotes
– Evaluate support session participation
– Invigilate tests
– Check if students qualify for the exam
– Invigilate final exam
– Mark all assignments, tests and exams
– Complete the module tracking sheet and send an electronic copy to Mukhanyo Student Records
– Post/courier exam scripts back to Mukhanyo for moderation
A comprehensive Tutor Orientation Guide and Tutor Handbook are provided to tutors upon approval that includes more details on the above. Communication with the Local Learning Programme Manager is encouraged if anything is unclear.
Ensure an appropriate sized room is available conducive to student learning with desks, chairs, DVD player and
television, or projector and screen. The tutor is responsible to arrange the days and time that the students meet.
The following list is the minimum requirements for a Local Learning Site (LLS) to operate functionally:
– DVD player or laptop with DVD drive
– Television or projector with screen
– Personal Computer (for the tutor’s use)
– Lockable filing cabinet
– Files or folders
– Printer
– Copier (optional)
– Reliable internet access (for the tutor)
This depends on how many modules your site offers in a term. On average, each lesson will take a minimum of two hours to prepare, which includes watching the DVD, working through the study guide, and determining the best method to facilitate the lesson.
Referring to the Tutor Criteria and Responsibilities above, the following three are key responsibilities you are to note:
– The tutor is to take full responsibility for the group and communicate with MTC on a regular basis. Communication is very important, especially via e-mail.
– Tutor is to ensure adequate facilities for the watching of DVDs, support session discussion, student work space, and for the printing and making copies of tests, exams, etc.
– The tutor is to take full responsibility for ordering, receiving and paying for all materials (including postage), and for sending completed examinations and all other electronic documents back to MTC.
Based on the foregoing, please consider and answer the following questions, e-mailing your answers through to the Local Learning Programme Manager as they will help you/us to decide the feasibility of starting a Mukhanyo Local Learning Site in your country:
1. Do you meet all the criteria to become a Tutor?
2. Are you willing and able to fulfil the responsibilities expected of you as a tutor?
3. Do you have sufficient internet access to correspond with us and receive tests, examinations, memoranda and other electronic correspondence?
4. Do you have adequate facilities to enable student interaction and learning?
5. Regarding logistics, is there a reliable working postal or courier service in your country to send completed exam scripts to MTC for moderation? If not, are you able to make other appropriate and reliable arrangements for such?
6. How will payments be made to MTC? Check what banks or agencies within your country or online are able to send money to an organisation in South Africa (Note, we cannot accept payments made to an individual). Be sure to take the exchange rate and bank fees into account.
7. Will prospective students have the necessary qualifications? Please send me an explanation of how the schooling system in your country works and an example of what would be the equivalent of our National Senior Certificate.
The following programmes and qualifications are currently offered through the Mukhanyo Local Learning Programme:
– Focus Certificates (Non-accredited)
– Focus Certificate in isiZulu (Non-accredited)
– Higher Certificate in Bible Teaching (Accredited – NQF level 5)
– Higher Certificate in Church Ministry (Accredited – NQF level 5)
The Mukhanyo Local Learning Programme follows a three term structure of four months each. Students can start at the beginning of any of the terms, provided their application is approved.
Term 1 runs from January to April; term 2 from May to August; and term 3 from September to December each year. The deadlines for applications are communicated to the Sites each year and are posted on this website.
Assignments are submitted to the tutor responsible for the module at the Local Learning Site on or before the stipulated due date. Marks will be deducted for assignments submitted late.
It is preferred that assignments be typed following the prescribed layout. If they do not have access to a computer, then handwritten assignments will be accepted, however, it is recommended that you make computer facilities available to the students on site or with a third party service provider. An assignment cover page is to be completed, signed, and attached to the front of their assignment before handing it in.
Tests and exams are written at the Local Learning Site. The tutor responsible must communicate the date and time to the students no less than two weeks before the scheduled exam.
For test, the tutor downloads the respective tests from the Team Drive. After the test has been written, he marks the tests, captures the students’ marks on the corresponding mark sheet, and then may return the answer sheets back to the students.
Exams are applied for no less than 14 days before the scheduled exam. The question paper will be sent to the tutor 5 to 7 days before the exam, and the corresponding memorandum for marking within 24 hours of the paper being written. The tutor marks the exam scripts and captures the marks on the relevant mark sheet. Marked exam scripts are then sent to the KwaMhlanga office for external moderation before the marks for the module are finalised.
Students can either apply directly with the Mukhanyo office, or through the tutor. Any applications that are received at the main office will be forwarded to the tutor closest to the applicant.
The tutor is then responsible to screen the potential students by checking that they qualify for the respective programme, and by conducting a short interview. He is also to inform them of all the necessary details related to the site, such as when support sessions occur, costs, etc.
During this process, the tutor must also ensure the following:
– Explain to the potential student that this is a long term commitment and that attendance of support sessions is compulsory
– Provide student with an application form if he/she doesn’t already have one
– Check that the application form is complete and that all required additional documentation is attached before sending it to Mukhanyo for approval
– Send Application forms to Mukhanyo, either electronically or through the post office or courier
No. The material is fully self-contained in the videos and study guides. However, a site should establish a library of recommended books (listed in each study guide) for students to conduct research to complete their assignments. It is also encouraged that sites expand on these resources, either with physical books or electronic, or make arrangements with a local library. Students whould also be encouraged to purchase any recommended books so as to start developing their personal ministry libraries.
There is no cost to establish a site or to register as a tutor. The only cost involved is for the material as follows:
– Focus Certificates: R125 per student per module
– Higher Certificates: R400 per student per module
There are no examination or registration fees, however, should a student fail a module and qualify to write a supplementary exam, a fee is charged which is capped at R100 per rewrite for Focus Certificates and R300 per rewrite for Higher Certificates.
The cost of tuition to the students is capped at double the material fee as follows:
– Focus Certificates: R250 per student per module
– Higher Certificates: R800 per student per module
This fee to the students is to cover all tuition related costs, including, but not limited to, printing of test and exam papers, electricity during support sessions, and the tutor’s travel costs to and from the site.
There are no examination or registration fees, however, should a student fail a module and qualify to write a supplementary exam, the fee charged to students is capped at R200 per rewrite for Focus Certificates and R600 per rewrite for Higher Certificates.
Some sites may have additional non-tuition related costs (e.g. venue hire, accommodation, food, etc.) that the above does not cover. In such cases the site may charge the students extra for those costs, however, it must be with the students’ prior written consent and be it itemised separately on the invoices given to the students.
Tutors are to order the necessary materials as follows:
– Complete the order form electronically
– Send the order to MTC for processing
– Pay the invoice which will be sent by MTC, and send back proof of payment
Sites must provide detailed invoices to the students. Anything that is not tuition related is to be by agreement with the students and is to itemised separate from tuition. Students are then to pay the site/tutor and the site is then responsible to pay the money owing to MTC.
Tutoring is a voluntary post, and therefore tutors do not receive any remuneration from Mukhanyo. We are looking for people who have a passion to serve God’s Kingdom through education.
The task of facilitating a Local Learning Site is a big one that requires much commitment and time. I urge you to seek the counsel of wise men and the wisdom of Almighty God in making your decision.
If you are ready to proceed, please complete the form below or contact the Local Learning Programme Manager at You will then be sent the necessary forms to complete, namely the Local Learning Site Agreement (LL-O1) which is to be completed by the main person responsible for managing the site, and the Tutor Application Form (LL-02) which is to be completed by each man who will tutor at the site.
You will also have to complete the Tutor Eligibility Quiz that tests basic Bible knowledge, church history, and theology (Click here).
Please note, once a tutor is registered, he is eligible to tutor at any Mukhanyo Local Learning Site, as long as his details are included in Addendum B of the Site Agreement (LL-01), which can by updated at any time.
Once the above-mentioned documents have been received and the test completed, a short interview will be scheduled. Should all be in order, the applications will be taken to the sub-committee for final approval.
We look forward to hearing from you.
First, let me tell you what the Local Learning Programme is not:
- It is not an online e-learning or correspondence programme
- It is not a self-study programme
- It is not a 6-month course
- It is not a glorified Bible study
Rather, it is a programme that requires group learning by students in a Local Learning Site. There are three important parts to how the Mukhanyo distance programme has been set up.
1 – STUDY GUIDE & LECTURE VIDEOS: We offer videos of actual classroom lectures given at the Mukhanyo campus, together with a study guide and/or textbook. This provides the delivery of biblical content at the same level of learning as at the Mukhanyo campuses and ensures that the content remains unchanged.
2 – GROUP LEARNING: Studying alone is hard and results in a high ‘drop-out’ rate. Learning is much easier, productive and rewarding when studying in a group. Groups provide an environment for discussion, debate and encouragement among fellow students. Group learning also encourages churches to come together, enhancing unity and cooperation at various levels.
3 – LOCAL TUTOR: The tutor is a suitable, qualified and experienced person who watches the lecture videos with the students. This person coordinates the learning with Mukhanyo’s administration and provides support, guidance, and encouragement to the students. A tutor also administers tests and exams. This model of distribution is very effective for learning, but also lowers the overall cost of biblical education by bringing Bible instruction to church leaders in their own ministry contexts.
The educational philosophy of Mukhanyo Theological College is an extension of our Mission Statement and Statement of Faith. We believe that the foundation of Christian education is the Bible. “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Our lecturers are the embodiment of our college’s beliefs and values. They are spiritually mature, well-qualified people who focus on academic excellence. They seek to enhance the development of each student spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically as it says in Luke 2:52. Our lecturers live their lives as full-time role models to students. “So that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:10).
Our curriculum is academically excellent and honours our Christian heritage. It helps prepare students for higher learning and to affect the world for Christ. “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Mat. 28:19,20).
Learning Support Sessions are set times when the students of a Local Learning Site meet to go over the material for a particular lecture as per the lecture videos and study guide. How this is done depends on the course, context, and the tutor’s teaching style or gift. Sites may decide to watch the lecture videos as a class, or for students to watch them at home with follow-up discussions during the support sessions. Depending on the content, tutors can also facilitate other learning methods (e.g. small group discussions, class debates, etc.).
Other activities include any prescribed practical class exercises (e.g. preaching a sermon), and writing tests and exams. Tutors must also facilitate spiritual formation activities, including discipleship, devotions, Bible reading, and prayer.
Using the video lectures gives students a taste of what it’s like to experience lectures at one of our campuses. It also makes sure there is the same level of learning as on campus, and that the content is not changed in any way before it is taught.
To tutor the Focus Certificates or Higher Certificates, he must
- Have a Bachelor’s degree in any field of study, a 2-year Diploma in Theology, or two Higher Certificate Theology qualifications from an accredited institution.
- He must have had at least six months of experience in regular teaching at a school, college or church.
To tutor the Bachelor of Theology (at selected sites only), he must
- Have a minimum of a Master’s degree in any field of study or Bachelor of Theology Honours qualification from an accredited institution.
- Have had at least six months of experience in regular teaching at a school, college or church, and two years experience as a Higher Certificate tutor at an existing Mukhanyo Local Learning Site. This experience cannot be more than ten years before applying to be a BTh tutor.
To qualify to be a tutor, he must …
- Be a member of an evangelical church for at least three years.
- Hold a position (pastor, elder, deacon, etc.) in a local evangelical church congregation or Christian organisation.
- Have a good testimonial letter from an evangelical church leader with a good reputation.
- Understand and wholeheartedly agree with Mukhanyo’s statement of faith.
- Agree with and sign the Code of Conduct.
Important Note: Mukhanyo trains men for church leadership, and men and women for Christian ministry. This position is based on the biblical teaching of male headship. This means that the training of students for the ministry is to be done by male lecturers and tutors.
Relating to communication, a tutor must …
- Have access to the internet and be willing and able to send or receive e-mails from Mukhanyo regularly.
- Have basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel, and be able to open PDF documents.
- Be able and willing to print a few documents (within reason) sent from Mukhanyo for himself and/or his student group.
- Be accessible by cell phone, and daily read and respond to any SMS or WhatsApp messages.
Regarding training and commitment, he must …
- Attend the first upcoming Local Learning Forum and tutor training workshop following registration, and commit to attending as many other tutor events hosted by Mukhanyo as possible.
- Agree to fulfill the role of tutor according to the policies and procedures of MTC, as well as the code of conduct provided.
Signing the Tutor Application Form (LL-02) is an affirmation of your agreeing to and abiding by all the above criteria and MTC’s statement of faith.
Support sessions are to be facilitated by the tutor. The following serves as an example of his responsibilities:
- Prepare for the support sessions beforehand
- Advise students to prepare for the support session
- Log support session attendance
- Watch the lecture videos with students and work through the lesson in the study guide.
- Supplement lessons with case studies, illustrations, stories or quotes
- Evaluate support session participation
- Invigilate tests
- Check if students qualify for the exam
- Invigilate final exam
- Mark all assignments, tests and exams
- Complete the marks tracking sheet and send an electronic copy to Mukhanyo Student Records
- Post/courier exam scripts back to Mukhanyo for moderation
A comprehensive Tutor Orientation Guide and Tutor Handbook are provided to tutors upon approval which includes more details on the above. Communication with the Local Learning Programme Manager is encouraged if anything is unclear.
Ensure an appropriately sized room is available that is conducive to students’ learning with desks, chairs, television, or projector and screen. The tutor is responsible for arranging the days and times that the students meet.
The following list is the minimum requirements for a Local Learning Site (LLS) to operate functionally:
- Computer able to play the lecture videos
- Television or projector with screen
- Personal Computer (for the tutor’s use)
- Lockable filing cabinet
- Files or folders
- Printer
- Copier (optional)
- Reliable internet access (for the tutor)
This depends on how many courses your site offers in a term. On average, each lesson will take a minimum of two hours to prepare, which includes watching the lecture videos, working through the study guide, and determining the best method to facilitate the lesson.
Referring to the Tutor Criteria and Responsibilities above, the following three are key responsibilities you are to note:
- Tutor is to ensure adequate facilities for the watching of DVDs lecture videos, support session discussion, student workspace, and for the printing and making copies of tests, exams, etc.
- The tutor is to take full responsibility for ordering, receiving and paying for all materials (including postage), and for sending completed examinations and all other electronic documents back to MTC.
Based on the foregoing, please consider and answer the following questions, e-mailing your answers through to the Local Learning Programme Manager as they will help you/us to decide the feasibility of starting a Mukhanyo Local Learning Site in your country:
- Do you meet all the criteria to become a Tutor?
- Are you willing and able to fulfill the responsibilities expected of you as a tutor?
- Do you have sufficient internet access to correspond with us and receive tests, examinations, memoranda and other electronic correspondence?
- Do you have adequate facilities to enable student interaction and learning?
- Regarding logistics, is there a reliable working postal or courier service in your country to send completed exam scripts to MTC for moderation? If not, are you able to make other appropriate and reliable arrangements for such?
- How will payments be made to MTC? Check what banks or agencies within your country or online can send money to an organisation in South Africa (Note, we cannot accept payments made to an individual). Be sure to take the exchange rate and bank fees into account.
- Will prospective students have the necessary qualifications? Please send me an explanation of how the schooling system in your country works and an example of what would be the equivalent of our National Senior Certificate.
The following programmes and qualifications are currently offered through the Mukhanyo Local Learning Programme:
- Focus Certificates (Non-accredited)
- Focus Certificate in isiZulu (Non-accredited)
- Higher Certificate in Bible Teaching (Accredited – NQF level 5)
- Higher Certificate in Church Ministry (Accredited – NQF level 5)
- Bachelor of Theology (Accredited – NQF level 7) at selected sites
The Mukhanyo Local Learning Programme follows a three-term structure of four months each. Students can start at the beginning of any of the terms, provided their application is approved.
- Term 1 runs from January to April;
- term 2 from May to August; and
- term 3 from September to December each year.
The deadlines for applications are communicated to the Sites each year and are posted on this website.
Assignments are submitted to the tutor responsible for the course at the Local Learning Site on or before the stipulated due date. Marks will be deducted for assignments submitted late.
It is preferred that assignments be typed following the prescribed layout. If they do not have access to a computer, then handwritten assignments may be accepted. However, it is recommended that you make computer facilities available to the students on-site or with a third-party service provider. An assignment cover page is to be completed, signed, and attached to the front of the assignment before handing it in.
Tests and exams are written at the Local Learning Site. The tutor responsible must communicate the date and time to the students no less than two weeks before the scheduled exam.
For tests, the tutor downloads the respective test from the Local Learning Portal. After the test has been written, he marks the test, captures the students’ marks on the corresponding mark sheet, and then may return the answer sheets to the students.
Exams must be applied for no less than 14 days before the scheduled exam. The question paper will be sent to the tutor 5 to 7 days before the exam, and the corresponding memorandum for marking within 24 hours of the paper being written. The tutor marks the exam scripts and captures the marks on the relevant mark sheet. Marked exam scripts are then sent to the KwaMhlanga office for external moderation before the marks for the course are finalised.
Students can either apply directly with the Mukhanyo office, on our website, or through the tutor. Any applications that are received at the main office or online will be forwarded to the tutor closest to the applicant.
The tutor is then responsible for screening the potential students by checking that they qualify for the respective programme, and by conducting a short interview. He is also to inform them of all the necessary details related to the site, such as when support sessions occur, costs, etc.
During this process, the tutor must also ensure the following:
- Explain to the potential student that this is a long-term commitment and that attendance of support sessions is compulsory
- Provide student with an application form if he/she doesn’t already have one
- Check that the application form is complete and that all required additional documentation is attached before sending it to Mukhanyo for approval
- Send Application forms to Mukhanyo, either electronically or through the post office or courier
No. The material is fully self-contained in the videos and study guides. However, a site should try to establish a library of recommended books (listed in each study guide) for students to conduct research to complete their assignments. It is also encouraged that sites expand on these resources, either with physical books or electronic resources, or make arrangements with a local library. Students should also be encouraged to purchase any recommended books to start developing their personal ministry libraries.
There is no cost to establish a site or to register as a tutor. The only cost involved is for the material as follows:
- Focus Certificates: R125 per student per module course
- Higher Certificates: R400 per student per module course
- Bachelor of Theology: R700 per student per course
There are no examination or registration fees, however, should a student fail a course and qualify to write a supplementary exam, a fee is charged which is capped at R100 per rewrite for Focus Certificates and R300 per rewrite for Higher Certificates.
The cost of tuition to the students is capped at double the material fee as follows:
- Focus Certificates: R250 per student per module course
- Higher Certificates: R800 per student per module course
- Bachelor of Theology: R1400 per student per course
This fee to the students is to cover all tuition-related costs, including, but not limited to, the printing of test and exam papers, electricity during support sessions, and the tutor’s travel costs to and from the site.
There are no examination or registration fees, however, should a student fail a course and qualify to write a supplementary exam, the fee charged to students is capped at R200 per rewrite for Focus Certificates, R600 per rewrite for Higher Certificates, and R1450 per rewrite for Bachelor of Theology.
Some sites may have additional non-tuition-related costs (e.g. venue hire, accommodation, food, etc.) that the above does not cover. In such cases the site may charge the students extra for those costs, however, it must be with the students’ prior written consent and be itemised separately on the invoices given to the students.
Tutors are to order the necessary materials as follows:
- Complete the order form electronically
- Send the order to MTC for processing
- Pay the invoice which will be sent by MTC, and send back proof of payment
Sites must provide detailed invoices to the students. Anything that is not tuition-related is to be by agreement with the students and is to be itemised separately from tuition. Students are then to pay the site/tutor and the site is then responsible for paying the money owed to MTC.
Tutoring is a voluntary post, and therefore tutors do not receive any remuneration from Mukhanyo. We are looking for people who have a passion to serve God’s Kingdom through education.
The task of facilitating a Local Learning Site is one that requires much commitment and time. I urge you to seek the counsel of wise men and the wisdom of Almighty God in making your decision.
If you are ready to proceed, please complete the enquiry form below or contact the Local Learning Programme Manager at You will then be sent the necessary forms to complete, namely the Local Learning Site Agreement (LL-O1) which is to be completed by the main person responsible for managing the site, and the Tutor Application Form (LL-02) which is to be completed by each man who will tutor at the site.
You will also have to complete the Tutor Eligibility Quiz that tests basic Bible knowledge, church history, and theology.
Please note, once a tutor is registered, he is eligible to tutor at any Mukhanyo Local Learning Site, as long as his details are included in Addendum B of the Site Agreement (LL-01), which can be updated at any time.
Once the above-mentioned documents have been received and the test completed, a short interview will be scheduled. Should all be in order, the applications will be taken to the sub-committee for final approval. Once approved, the tutor will receive a confirmation letter and an electronic certificate acknowledging his appointment. The appointment will be for five years at a time (renewable).
We look forward to hearing from you.
Available Locations
We have a wide variety of local learning sites available.
Potential Tutor/Site Enquiry
Please Note: No new Local Learning Site will be established within a 10km radius of an existing Mukhanyo Site, Campus, or Centre.
Wanting to Study Theology Locally?
If you’re wanting to study in the Mukhanyo Local Learning Programme, then please complete the short form below and submit. The Local Learning Manager or the tutor closest to you will contact you ASAP to assist you.